Patriarchal Blessing Revelator


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The Endowment

20% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of The Endowment.

You shall receive the anointing which is a seal of the Priesthood and as a preparation for your burial, a seal as the Lord's anointed and an inducement according to the calling wherein you may be chosen to stand upon Mount Zion in the New Jerusalem.

Thou shalt be endowed with power from on high in company with thy companion.

Thou shalt live to see the temple of the Lord built in the mountains and attain to the ordinances therein.

Thou shalt receive all thy washings and anointings.

You shall always feel happy and rejoice in having the privilege of donating of your substance to build temples and to assist in furnishing and decorating the same, to the honor and glory of God the Eternal Father and Jesus the mediator of the New Covenant within the walls of which you shall become familiar with the Third Heavens and see and hear things which to mortals shall not only be insufferable but unlawful to utter except at proper times and proper places appointed for so doing. I seal upon you all your former blessings; your baptism, your conformation, your washings, your endowments.

For in the own due time of the Lord wilt thou be endowed with wisdom from on High and great faith in the House of God.

Thou shalt have the privilege of going into the temple of the Lord, of receiving ordinances for thyself, of administering the same unto others of thy kinsfolk and friends that will produce their salvation both to the living and dead.

Thou shalt receive through washings and anointings in the house of the Lord.

Through thy faithfulness and thy obedience to the Holy Priesthood, thou shalt go into the Temple of our God and thou shalt have holy oil poured on thy head and be ordained a Priest and a King to the Most High.

In time thou shalt have holy oil poured upon thy head and thou shalt be ordained a queen in Israel.

You shall be permitted to enter the Temple of the Lord that has been erected that the work of the living and the dead shall be done. You will receive your washings and anointings in those Temples.

I ratify all former blessings, washings, and anointings in the temple of the living God, and many yet ye shall receive.

It is thy privilege as a servant of God to go to the temple and lead forth a companion and be endowed and sealed over the altar for time and eternity.

Thou hast received in the house of God all thine anointings, all that was or ever will be given to man in the flesh.

Thou art entitled to all the blessings and in the Lord's own time will enter the temple of the Lord and receive washings and anointings.

You shall receive all of your endowments and anointings.

You have received the highest blessings that can be given here, on the earth, having entered into the holy place and received the great anointing which pertains unto those who are counted the most worthy.

Thou shalt be anointed a queen and a priestess to thy Lord.

Thou shalt be privileged to receive more blessings in the house of the Lord.

You shall enter into the House of the Lord and there receive your washings and anointings.

Thou art greatly blessed, receiving thy blessing in the House of the Lord.

The blessings in the House of the Lord shall be granted unto thee for thou shalt have the privilege of going into the Temple of the Lord.

In due time it shall be your privilege to enter the House of the Lord and to partake of the joys and benefits of the Holy Endowment and to become more fully acquainted with some of the great privileges which are yours in righteousness.

The opportunity is given unto thee at this time of receiving thy blessings in the house of the Lord.

You shall have the opportunity of going into the house of the Lord, there to take upon yourself the blessings of the gospel in its fullness.

You will find her whom you will love who will be qualified to go to the Temple of God to receive your endowments and to be sealed to her for time and eternity that you may receive all of the blessings there.

You will receive in the temple those endowments and gifts which will allow you to pass by the angels and enter back into the presence of the Lord. Live for this day, that you may receive these gifts from your Father.

It shall be thy privilege to receive of thy blessings in the house of the Lord.

Thou shalt have the privilege of receiving of the blessings of the house of the Lord.

You can go to the House of the Lord to be married and sealed for time and eternity as part of the temple endowment. Your purity will prepare you to learn and understand the endowment. Comprehending the endowment completely will lead you to great knowledge and help you obtain eternal life.

The day will come when you will be invited into the Holy Temple of the Lord to receive your Endowment preparatory to serving a Mission.

You will have the privilege of entering the House of the Lord. There through the Holy Endowment you will make covenants and promises which will remain with you throughout all eternity.

I bless you that you will have the opportunity to go to the House of the Lord to receive your Endowment.

You shall have the gift of leadership and receive an endowment of learning with all the sealing ordinances of the Gospel sealed upon you.

You will direct some to the temples of the Lord that they may receive of this great endowment that will be yours and all those who attend the temple.

I bless you that as you live and keep His commandments and continue to do those things that your Heavenly Father desires of you, that you will have the opportunity to attend the House of the Lord and to receive your endowments. Take the time to contemplate and to prepare yourself in this regard, so that you may appreciate the blessings that await you there. Prepare yourself to receive these blessings, so that you may have the opportunity to return to live with your Heavenly Father in the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom.

The day will come when you will go to the house of the Lord, surrounded by those who love you. Members of the family will be there, and you will be surrounded by friends as you receive your endowment. You will feel the mighty spirit of the Lord as ordinances are performed and covenants are made.

Prepare to go to the temple as soon as you can to receive your endowments and have your sealing work done.

It is important that you prepare yourself for the day when you can enter the temple of the Lord and receive your own endowment.

It will be your privilege to receive the blessings of the gospel in their fullness. If you will continue to live righteously, you will be blessed to be endowed and prepared to serve the Lord in this life and in the eternities to come.

The Lord will bless and help you with the opportunity to go into the House of the Lord not only for your own endowments, but to do the work for those who are waiting on the other side of the veil.

Prior to your mission, you will be endowed in the House of the Lord, receive the saving ordinances of the gospel, and be taught in the Lord's way. You will receive the keys and ordinances of eternal salvation. Those keys will one day permit you, through your faithfulness, to enter the Celestial Kingdom of Glory and there reside with your Heavenly Father eternally. During your endowment you will receive promised blessings and make sacred covenants with your Heavenly Father. I bless you to keep your covenants and He will keep His promises to you.

Before you go on that mission you will have the opportunity to enter the house of the Lord to receive your endowment and to receive the power from on high that you will need to carry out your mission.

I bless you to be able to go to the temple to receive your endowment.

You will be blessed to enter the Holy House of the Lord and there be endowed with power from on high.

Now you will have the opportunity to go to the temple in the future and take out your endowment. In the endowment you will learn things that you do not completely understand now about where you came from, why you are here, and where you are going, and what you need to do to prepare yourself to one day enter back into the presence of your Heavenly Father. In the temple you will be asked to wear a sacred piece of clothing. Wear it as you should, as it is explained, and it will remind you to be modest in your dress. It will also remind you how your children and eternal companion should dress. It will remind you that your body is sacred, that it is a temple of God.

You will be endowed with power to come forth in the Morning of the First Resurrection and receive a fullness of the Lord's blessings.

You will go to the house of the Lord, and there you will receive your own endowment.

You will find that the ultimate peace is found in the House of the Lord. You will be endowed with power on high. This will bless you as you serve your mission, and in every aspect of your life.

Prepare carefully for the blessings of the Temple. There you will receive your endowments, be taught more fully in His ways and will make covenants with Him that will help you in your goal to attain eternal life.

In the future you will come to deeply reverence and cherish the sacred ordinances and covenants of your own personal sacred temple endowment.

I promise you, young lady, as you grow and mature that you will be found worthy to attend the holy temple, that holy place where a holy endowment of promise and teaching will be given to you as a gift.

When the appropriate time comes, you will have the great blessing of receiving eternal blessings in the house of the Lord.

I bless you to understand the importance of the covenants you will make when you go to be personally endowed. God has great promises for you.

I bless you to look forward to attendance at the temple of God. Prepare to go there, where you will be endowed with power from on high.

It will be your privilege to enter the Holy Temple to receive the ordinances of exaltation.

Blessing #6
Understand that as the time comes you will have the opportunity to not only receive of the holy Melchizedek priesthood, but to go to the temple and there receive the endowment wherein you will be taught all that is necessary that will enable you to one day enter back into the presence of Heavenly Father.

Blessing #21
I promise you that you will one day qualify to go to the house of the Lord to receive your endowment, a most precious gift and treasure.

Blessing #23
You will go to the temple before you go on your mission. You will listen very closely to the covenants that you make in the temple and realize the importance of these covenants. You will do endowments, baptisms, initiatory and sealing work in the temple.

Blessing #25
You will receive your own endowments and accept greater responsibilities with our Heavenly Father.

Blessing #74
I bless you with the desire to prepare to go to the Temple to receive your own endowment.

Blessing #33
I bless you to be anxious to go to the House of the Lord to be endowed with power from on high.